Saturday, January 12, 2008


Southgate Envies Torres
Middlesbrough manager Gareth Southgate cast an eye of envy across at the talent that dragged Liverpool back into a game they eventually drew.

Boro took a deserved lead at the Riverside after dominating the first half, however a wonder strike from Fernando Torres sparked a spirited Liverpool fight-back.

But the Reds couldn’t force a winning a goal and had to settle for a 1-1 draw, a result that Southgate was equally as happy to settle on after watching what Torres is capable of.

"When you look at the guy (Fernando Torres) who scored their goal - I think he cost about as much as our entire 16 - and it is not such a bad result.

"I am really pleased with the performance we gave", admitted Southgate.

However, Southgate did claim that if a certain shot from Jermaine Aliadiere had bounced the right way Boro would have gone on to win.

"Had we got the second when we hit the post, I think we would have won the game."

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